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Telepathique Turns Studio Into Dance Club

Telepathique is one heck of a sexy band. For 20 minutes, the Sao Paulo-based group turned the intimate space of KEXP's live room into a late-night dance club, and it was all I could do to keep from getting up from my stool during the set and joining the dance party.

On Telepathique's terrific new album, Last Time on Earth, the band's particular combination of electronic beats and rhythms with thrashing drums and live guitar sounds both unique and familiar. Live, this seamless blend of styles — house, rock, bossa nova, funk, hip-hop — translates even more energetically.

As they perform, vocalist Mylene Pires and DJ/producer Erico Theobaldo (aka DJ Periferico) are insanely fun to watch. Pires shifts between mics like she's swapping dance partners, while Theobaldo jumps back and forth between his DJ setup and the drum kit. He seems to be everywhere at once, scratching vinyl at one moment, turning knobs at another and then banging away on the drums the next. I couldn't take my eyes off of either of them the entire time.

By the end of the set, I was ready to join the band and head off to Brazil or Los Angeles, or wherever they were headed next.

Originally recorded July 30, 2008.

Listen to the previous Favorite Session, or see our full archive.

Copyright 2008 KEXP

Cheryl Waters
Cheryl Waters hosts The Midday Show on 90.3 FM KEXP Seattle, and online at As the On-Air Events Coordinator, Waters also books the artists that perform at the KEXP live in-studio performances, live remote broadcasts and KEXP events.