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String Cheese Incident, 'One Step Closer'

For over a decade, the String Cheese Incident has provided their strong legion of fans with innovative, genre-defying music. Their latest release is One Step Closer.

For the album, the band moved away from a traditional corporate studio, choosing instead to record in the Rockies near their Boulder, Colo., base. The approach is typical of a group that has seen little mainstream recognition -- but has been playing popular shows for more than 10 years.

And in something of a rarity for an acclaimed jam-band, the new CD features songwriting contributions from all five members of the String Cheese Incident.

Copyright 2005 XPN

David Dye is a longtime Philadelphia radio personality whose music enthusiasm has captivated listeners of World Cafe® since 1991. World Cafe is produced by WXPN, the public radio service of the University of Pennsylvania.