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Old Sounds Make New Sounds

Courtesy of the artist
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English / Spanish

We here at Alt.Latino sometimes get asked: "What exactly is Latin alternative?" I think it's best explained by what it is not. It is not your parents' music; it is also not any one conventional genre (salsa, cumbia, merengue, rock). It's a combination of all these styles, chopped, smashed and put back together in ways you didn't imagine possible. I'm not a sociologist, but as a Latina and a music journalist, I will tell you that Latinos very comfortably inhabit crossroads — cultural and generational — and that has always been apparent in our music.

In this week's Alt.Latino we feature new music that exemplifies this. We premiere a brand new track by Argentine DJ Lagartijeando, who takes a cumbia, slows it down and stomps on it with some killer heavy beats. The result is an earthshaking dance track. Another Argentine DJ, Chancha Via Circuito, runs mechanical rhythms through traditional South American folk to make eerily haunting music. And a DJ masterfully reassembles a sweet Colombian ode to the Pacific Ocean.

Sit back, relax and listen to the amazing music we've got lined up for you. It's a show for the history books!


English / Spanish

Esta Semana En Alt.Latino...

A veces la gente me pregunta: ¿Que es la música 'Alternativa Latina'? Personalmente creo que se trata de un género definido por lo que no es. No es la música que escuchaban tus padres; no es un género establecido como la salsa, la cumbia, el merengue o el rock. Es una combinación de todos esos tipos de música; una mezcla potente de estilos que nadie se hubiese imaginado. No soy socióloga, pero como latinoamericana y periodista he observado que los latinos tenemos una capacidad única de movernos con facilidad entre culturas y generaciones. Eso es algo que ha producido una variedad de música verdaderamente excepcional.

Esta semana en Alt.Latino tenemos estrenos que ilustran esa variedad. Comenzamos el programa con una nueva canción de Lagartijeando, un DJ Argentino que toma una típica melodía de cumbia Argentina, y la aplasta con ritmos pesados y mecánicos. El resultado es una canción contagiosa, bailable y a la vez agresiva. Otro DJ Argentino, Chancha Via Circuito, hace un impacto con sus espeluznantes mezclas de canciones folklóricas tradicionales con pulsos electrónicos. Y una de mis canciones favoritas del show de hoy es un DJ (Cut Chemist) que le agrega un latido techno a una dulce oda Colombiana a la Costa Pacífica.

Siéntense, suban el volumen, y relájense: ¡esta semana tenemos un show histórico!!

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Jasmine Garsd is an Argentine-American journalist living in New York. She is currently NPR's Criminal Justice correspondent and the host of The Last Cup. She started her career as the co-host of Alt.Latino, an NPR show about Latin music. Throughout her reporting career she's focused extensively on women's issues and immigrant communities in America. She's currently writing a book of stories about women she's met throughout her travels.