Jeevika Verma
Poet Adrian Matejka used to be a DJ — and when he got stuck in pandemic-induced misery, it was music that lifted him up and helped him finish writing his latest book, Somebody Else Sold the World.
In India, a generation of new doctors enters the field at a time of crisis. One new doctor in New Delhi is haunted by a woman who begged for a hospital bed — but they were all full.
In her latest book of poems, artist Kate Durbin looks at modern consumerism and the way people process trauma and loss through the objects they hoard. Durbin was inspired by the A&E show Hoarders.
The Afghan politician has survived two assassination attempts and is one of four Afghan women negotiating with the Taliban. "The power of words is stronger than the power of bullets," she tells NPR.
With 1,800 pieces submitted by the public, volunteers are putting together a kolam, a traditional South Indian art form used as a sign of welcome.
Musician Shamarr Allen is offering youth trumpets and music books in exchange for guns — no questions asked. He hopes the instrument will impact kids in New Orleans today the way it did for him.